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Raindrop Technique

What is Raindrop Technique?


Young Living Essential Oils Raindrop Technique® combines aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage. Through the application of therapeutic grade essential oils to the feet, spine and back, it brings structural, electrical and emotional alignment to the body.

The treatment was created by the found of Young Living Essential Oils Gary Young, to treat clients with spinal challenges, but also has a broader list of benefits.

Benefits of Raindrop Technique


  • Boosts the immune system

  • Detoxify physical and energetic bodies

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Alignment of the spine, back and shoulders

  • Ease muscle, bone and joint discomfort

  • Increase in height (yes it's true!)

  • Improve emotional well-being

  • Reduce anxiety and stress

  • Balance the body's energy centers

What to Expect during a Raindrop Technique Treatment


The treatment duration is 2 hours. I begin with a full consultation, discussing the purpose of the client's visit and their medical history.


The Young Living oils used are Thyme, Basil, Peppermint, Oregano, Wintergreen, Cypress and Marjoram, plus two oil blends Valor® & Aroma Seiz™. These are first applied to the feet along reflexology points using a technique called Vita Flex. They are then applied to the spine, using proprietary techniques developed to create the greatest benefit. The treatment is finished by applying a warm towel to the client's spine to enhance the absorption of the healing oils.


The Raindrop Technique oils pack can be purchased from Young Living. For more information, please contact me.

More Information


The following video provides an introduction to the Raindrop Technique.

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